Best regards, Harvey 'B Simpson' wrote: > I am trying to add a working Excel Spreadsheet into a Word document. You can easily insert an Excel object into your word document by following: Insert object from create New tab select MS Excel Worksheet. Bobm at FREE fully-functional 30-day evaluation of MathType 5 MathType, WebEQ, MathPlayer, MathFlow, Equation Editor, TeXaide. Bob Mathews Director of Training Design Science, Inc. You can't use EE to create a formula to do the math, whether it stays in Excel or transfers to Word. It looks like Microsoft Equation 3.0 will > enable formulas to work again after I copy & paste the > spreadsheet inside a Word document, but when I pull > it up all the equations look Greek!? Equation Editor (EE) will work in Excel only to add a graphical equation as a floating object to a worksheet or a chart. On 2, BSimpson wrote: > I am trying to add a working Excel Spreadsheet into a > Watch caligula uncut version.